Code of Ethics for Therapeuts


Many assistants or therapists have no rules. In the esoteric scene everybody loves each other, or the responsibility is pushed toward the Almighty, or even easier - the karma.

My personal behavioural guideline for more than 16 years is derived from the working group of "symbolon". It is a Codex - the foundation of our responsibility!

We are neither helping people (social workers) nor Healers (God), but Reminders! To support the memory inside the soul of our clients is our only job!

Relationship between therapist and client: We are aware that each person brings (also) our own problems which just need to be seen at the right moment like in a mirror. 

Working with the soul, we do neither evaluate nor judge, give no recommendations nor advices (unless the client has just broken his leg…). Of course, in acute danger we refer to doctors, policemen, drug advisors, women’s shelters or similar reference points!

Since no instrument is able to measure mental disorders, the body serves as an allegory, as a parable. Symbolically, it shows us when there is something wrong in our soul, and one gets sick. During his whole life, a therapist learns reading these symbols. We use this in addition to fairy tales, myths, dreams and astrology, the tools of systemic therapy. The soul of an experienced therapist (i.e. after about 15 years of practice) is the deepest and trust worthiest guide.

The number of sessions will be defined during the astrological counselling or at the latest at the day of anamnesis. Personal presence is important (in exceptional cases phone or chat). In the process, there is a deep relationship between the therapist and the client. Through the previously installed number of sessions, the end date (releasing) is clear defined. In my work, a therapy with an “open ending” does not make sense. 

The sessions are recorded, so they can be used even after the end of the therapy (sometimes year later). The client is encouraged to write down everything after the sessions (right half of the brain) and to paint a picture (left half of the brain).

In our occupation, we also have to deal with the topic “Money and Payment”: The price is fixed in advance, there is a written contract. In general, the entire amount is paid at the beginning. In case of a break-off, the client gets back the unused amount of money.

Risks and side effects: We will guide our clients through the emotions that have been caused by our work, even after the end of the therapy. This service is free of charge and part of our responsibility.

As “lawyer of the soul”, the therapist is subject to confidentiality.

And where sexuality between the therapist and the client comes into play, the therapeutic work of reminding is finished - immediately and irrevocably!

A codex is an oath of therapists, assistants and reminders! I am sworn to it! 

German Version

Last update on 2012-02-14 by Gudrun Graf.

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Read what others say about my work. Read my testimonialsGudrun G. Graf

Gudrun is a certified Qi Gong teacher and naturopathy therapist living and working in Vienna and Salzburg, Austria. Apart from Tao and Chi Nei Tsang, she has specialized in Family Constellations.

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